What is the price range for a C-Arm?
C-Arm’s range anywhere from $20,000 to over $200,000. In our professional opinion, relevant C-Arms start from $40,000 on up. It’s also very important to look at the 5-year cost of ownership as opposed to just the upfront costs.
Are there any installation or setup charges?
Typically installation and training are included in the purchase of your C-Arm, although, some companies will have an additional charge for this. You will however pay for logistics to ensure that the system is fully insured during transportation. ImagPros delivers everything on our own company trucks to ensure safe and seamless deliveries.
What is the maintenance cost for a C-arm?
Service contracts for a C-Arm can range anywhere from $8k-$15k/ year depending on coverage. It’s important to understand what’s covered and what’s not. Most companies pro-rate the glass wear which is the most expensive component of your system. You may want to consider PMs as part of your maintenance contract.
What is the life of a C-Arm machine?
New systems can offer up to 15 years while fully refurbished systems are between 7 & 10. It’s going to depend on the date of manufacture on the system that you’re purchasing. Some systems are becoming obsolete as parts are becoming more difficult to find.
What is the return policy for defective machines?
If it’s proven to be a defective device we will swap it out at no charge. We have a very thorough testing and calibration process ensuring that every system is delivered in proper working condition. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority and our reputation is everything.
Is there any guarantee or warranty available for a C-Arm?
Yes, every piece of equipment that our company sells comes with a warranty. Prior to your warranty expiring, our warranty department will call to offer an extension. Here at ImagPros, we offer nationwide service and support.